, 2009 due to its advantage to improve matlab programming effectiveness and matlab programming efficiency of healthcare Kohn, et al. , 1999. Health information methods HISs are ICT purposes which are critical in healthcare businesses, which help to be sure that sufferers immediately acquire applicable cure. According to Aggelidis and Chatzoglou, 2009, matlab programming use of advice methods IS in matlab programming healthcare sector is widely permitted, particularly in hospitals. These techniques include impartial units. Each unit, as an IS, has matlab programming autonomy to process activities but also can work cooperatively with other units N. The above operation definition has been chosen to be particularly useful in matlab programming study of linear time invariant techniques. In order to see this, accept as true with matlab linear time invariant system H H with unit impulse response h h. Given matlab system input signal x x we would like to compute matlab programming system output signal H x H x. First, we note that matlab programming input can be expressed as matlab programming convolution. Hence, convolution has been defined such that matlab programming output of matlab linear time invariant system is given by matlab programming convolution of matlab programming system input with matlab programming system unit impulse reaction. It is usually advantageous to be capable of visualize matlab programming computation of matlab convolution in terms of graphical methods.